Handicap system



So that Rodeo members enjoy the benefits of a handicap system that recognises good scoring as an indication of ability, and acknowledges that poor scoring should also be recognised, a system of handicap revision and review will be introduced in 2012.

The handicap system is like many used by golf societies whose members do not all have golf club handicaps.  It is quite normal for members of a society to have different handicaps for club and society.  It is often the case that society handicap may be lower than club handicap if one wins prizes at society events.

The system is designed to reduce the handicap of the top 3 players in each competition, to leave the fourth to sixth players unchanged and to increase the handicap of all the other players.  Maximum handicaps are 28 for gentlemen and 36 for ladies.

After each competition:

Winner            handicap reduced by 2.0

Second           handicap reduced by 1.5

Third               handicap reduced by 0.5


Fourth              handicap unchanged

Fifth                 handicap unchanged

Sixth                handicap unchanged


Seventh            handicap increased by 0.3

Eighth               handicap increased by 0.3

Ninth etc            handicap increased by 0.3

All players scoring 38 points or more, whether they are in the prizes or not, will have their handicap reduced by 0.5 for every point in excess of 37


a)    Competition is won with 35 points so winner takes 2.0 reduction, 2nd place takes 1.5 reduction and 3rd place takes 0.5 reduction.

b)    Competition is won with 42 points, winner takes reduction of 1.5 + 2.5 = 4.0.

In order to get us off to some sort of start for 2012, I have taken everyone’s performance in 2011 competitions and applied the above criteria to them.  Not surprisingly, some 2011 winners’ handicaps have come down and some whose performance was less memorable will have increased.

   Some notes:

 New members will declare their handicap at their first outing.  New members’ first outing with the society will be non-qualifying and they will not be permitted to compete for the trophy or runner-up prizes.  They are eligible to compete for nearest the pin and longest drive prizes.

Members who have not played in a Rodeo society event for over two years may have their handicap adjusted to take account of their current play.

Guests are eligible to compete for nearest the pin and longest drive prizes, but they are not eligible for trophies or runner-up prizes.  A guest prize may be available if there are several guests at an event.

Guest handicaps will be subject to the same adjustment rules as members.

Guest scores will be ignored for the purpose of adjusting members’ handicaps and for the prize rankings.